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Three students standing on top of melting blocks of ice. Ropes around their necks, below a gallow, in the heart of a shopping area. We are expecting the obvious, being watched by a surprised, confused, and supportive audience. 


With this climate political art performance in the centre of consumerism, we want to create a memorable image of our present: We all continue our climate-damaging lifestyles, despite of all our knowledge about the consequences. 


The polar caps are melting, extreme weather incidents intensify, the sea level is rising, and along with it the number of climate victims. It takes a forceful and shocking performance, as we present it here, to condense the wicked problems within a clear and lucid image.  


The performance was initially  shown on 6th of July, 2019 in the city center of Cologne, Germany.
The second performance was on the 20th of September 2019 while the golbal climate strike from Fridays for Future in Berlin, infront of the Brandenburg Gate 

Drei Studierende auf schmelzenen Eisblöcken stehend. Stricke um den Hals, unter einem Galgen, mitten in einer Fußgängerzone. Wir erwarten das Offenkundige, unter den Augen des irritierten, verwunderten, unterstützenden Publikums. 

Mit dieser klimapolitischen Kunst-Performance im Herzen des Konsums wollen wir ein einprägsames Bild unserer Gegenwart erschaffen: Wir alle führen unsere klimaschädlichen Lebensstile fort, obwohl wir alle bestens über die Folgen informiert sind. 

Die Polarkappen schmelzen, die Wetterextreme nehmen zu, die Meeresspiegel steigen, und mit ihnen die Zahl der Klimaflüchtlinge und Klimatoten. Erst eine eindringliche und schockierende Performance, wie wir sie hier zeigen, verdichtet die komplexen Zusammenhänge in einem klaren und anschaulichen Bild. 

Die Erste Performance fand am 6. Juli 2019 in der Kölner Schildergasse statt. 
Die Zweite Performance fand während der globalen Klimademonstration von Fridays for Future am

20. September 2019 vor der Brandenburger Tor in Berlin statt. 




cologne, 6th of July, 2019

Shopping Street, Schildergasse
Ice on the Rope

photographer: Franziska Schardt

berlin, 20th of September, 2019

Global Climate Strike - Brandeburg Gate
Ice on the Rope

photographer: Franziska Schardt

cologne, 6th of July, 2019

Shopping Street, Schildergasse
Ice on the Rope

photographer: Charly Wulff



Ice on the Rope   a climate political art performance by Anne Sikora and Sophia Regner

Ice on the Rope a climate political art performance by Anne Sikora and Sophia Regner

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Anne Sikora

Sophia Regner


We are Anne Sikora and Sophia Regner, 24 and 26 year-old students living in Cologne, Germany. Both of us study Sustainable Design at the ecosign - Academy for Sustainable Design. We are focusing on illustration, industrial design, film and photography, as well as philosophy. The art performance was elaborated during the film and photography project "Environment" with our senior lecturer Thomas Zika.

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